Monday, December 12, 2011


     Holden is a sixteen-year-old boy who is being expelled from a school called Pencey Prep due to his bad grades. Other than the three people he puts on a pedestal, Allie Phoebe and Jane, he can only find the worse in people. Holden hates phonies; it's ironic because Holden himself is a phony. The main reason Holden is so very cynical and jaded toward everyone is because he is embarrassed by his weaknesses, his phoniness meanness and superficiality.
     Holden puts Jane, Allie, and Phoebe on the pedestal because he finds them to be innocent. Allie is a very smart boy and never lets him get bored, Allie wrote poems in his mitt during baseball games to stay interested, and since Allie died at a young age he never had the chance to get off of the pedestal. Jane is Holden’s crush, which means she can’t do anything wrong in his eyes. And Phoebe is on the pedestal because she is just like Allie except smarter and a much better writer. Holden considers himself to be the dummy of the family because he puts Phoebe and Allie on a pedestal, and his older brother, D. B., is a published author.
     Holden has had a rough life and he makes it worse every day.

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